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Monday, November 30, 2015

Webhosting site exploit.!

Webhosting site exploit.!

HELLO, I found an exploit for a website to get their paid hosting service for 0$! it isn't that great but its cool.

Tools Needed:InternetFirefox Web BrowserTamper Data (it's an addon for firefox)


Step #1 Open up Firefox, you need to install the Tamper Data addon, search Tamper Data on google and install it then restart firefox it says to do so.

Step #2 Go to the website were going to this exploit on which is Hey I tried this on a few other webhosts and it didn't work so not all webhosts will work using this exploit.

Step #3 Once logged in the cpanel hover over on Hosting in the red TAB Click + New Account.

Step #4 Now choose on the paid choices Premium, Business.

Step #5 Okay were kinda almost done Its now time to open the tool Tamper Data in firefox on the top left hand corner It says tools and find and click Tamper Data HEHEHE IT should open up a program on firefox don't touch it yet.

Step #6 Now were here... click on any billing cycle choose any :)

now its time to click start tamper on the program then click continue on the website it pops up click Tamper.

Step #7 Find period erase everything in the field then click okay. Keep clicking submit until you get to the next page then click stop Tamper in the program we don't need it anymore.

Step #8 FINAL STEP It will say invoice not found then reload the page click the red TAB on top again it will have your paid webhosting that we got for free.


So that's how you do it! I hope this helps. Please comment and Keep in touch...